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Top Technology Podcasts You Should Listen to

list of top technology podcasts

If you are a technology enthusiast or love to keep a track of every update happening in the tech industry, here are the top technology podcasts on our list you need to start listening to right away! These technology podcasts are the one that involves news updates affecting the entire world and have interesting insights to share with the global audience.

Here is the ultimate list of top technology podcasts that has links to the Apple Podcast and Spotify links as well for quick navigation.

1. The Vergecast

If you follow technology news and trends, you would know that The Verge is an interesting publication to gain some technological updates. Be it gadget reviews or cracking some exclusive news from the technology world, The Vergecast never fails to amaze you.

You can listen to them on:

Apple Podcast: The Vergecast

Spotify: The Vergecast

2. Waveform: The MKBHD Podcast

Marques Brownlee aka MKBHD is a well-known YouTube influencer (creator) in the tech world. Marques and his teammates started the Waveform podcast for their audio users and it’s growing strong.

These young people also talk about new technological developments, and gadget reviews and give their opinions on various tech companies’ policies.

You can listen to them on:

Apple Podcast: Waveform  Podcast on Apple Podcast

Spotify: Waveform  Podcast on Spotify

3. Decoder with Nilay Patel

Verge editor-in-chief Nilay Patel runs the show ‘Decoder’ – where he claims to talk about big ideas and other problems.

Nilay brings top executives and key position holders in the corporate world (many times technology) on this show as guests. He asks straight questions to them and helps the audience gain unseen details and insights to know more about their companies and brands.

You can listen to them on:

Apple Podcast: Decoder with Nilay on Apple Podcast

Spotify: Decoder with Nilay on Spotify

4. Gadget Lab

Wired is also a very famous tech publication platform that brings news of technology from around the globe. Their podcasts bring in-depth knowledge and news of the technology industry to help listeners enjoy the behind-the-scenes. They do discuss interesting topics like Web3 and new launch events on the platform to keep listeners up to date with the topics.

You can listen to them on:

Apple Podcast: Gadget Lab on Apple Podcast

Spotify: Gadget Lab on Spotify

5. Pivot

Who doesn’t know the famous tech journalist Kara Swisher and processor Scott Galloway? They run Pivot and make some bold predictions about tech, discuss the things happening in the tech world, and share their knowledge on how things should work. It’s like listening to a no-holds-barred style podcast and no sugar-coating to make things sound straightforward as they should be.

You can listen to them on:

Apple Podcast: Pivot on Apple Podcast

Spotify: Pivot on Spotify

6. Unchained

If you are into the blockchain, cryptocurrency, and NFTs, you should try out the Unchained podcast. They discuss the transformation in the crypto industry and how one should try to earn, spend and invest money in the new Web 3.0 ecosystem. They have done some deep-dive episodes on NFTs, how some blockchains work on the internet, and so on.

You can listen to them on:

Apple Podcast: Unchained on Apple Podcast

Spotify: Unchained on Spotify

7. Software Engineering Daily

On a software engineering daily, you will get to listen to interesting technical interviews on software topics. They cover subjects like Ethereum Infrastructure, Kubernetes Security Compliance, Relic Architecture, and so on.

You can listen to them on:

Apple Podcast: Software Engineering Daily on Apple Podcast

8. Ted Tech

Ted Tech brings you all the latest updates, developments, and insights into what is happening in the technology world. Starting from IoT devices to explaining how NFTs work, you get a fair idea of how things work from Ted Tech episodes. Some hosts have also discussed what will be the future of planet earth and how we can solve dark matter mysteries with tech.

Apple Podcast: Ted Tech on Apple Podcast

Spotify: Ted Tech on Spotify

9. Land of The Giants

Another piece of art from the Vox media group. In the Land of the Giants, hosts discuss how tech giants took over the internet and the world audience with some powerful steps in history. This is a series of podcasts that includes discussions about Google, Netflix, Meta (Facebook), and other apps as well. Tune into the Land of The Giants podcast and enjoy the roller coaster ride of tech organizations.

Apple Podcasts: Land of The Giants on Apple Podcast

Spotify: Land of The Giants on Spotify

So, these were the top nine technology podcasts on Autologygeeks’ list you should try if you work in tech or are interested to learn more about technological advancements. Do let us know what is your favorite technology podcast to listen to as well!


Q: Where can I listen to good tech podcasts?

A: You can listen to technology podcasts on Spotify, Google Podcasts, Apple Podcasts, or on the websites of the publishers.

Q: Do tech podcasts provide value to users?

A: Yes, tech podcasts do provide value to their listeners. Tech podcasts typically provide you with insights about new updates happening in the tech industry and give useful information about new tech products.

Q: Which are the best technology podcasts in the industry?

A: We at Autologygeeks have created a list of top tech podcasts on the same blog. Go through the list and enjoy your dose of tech podcasts.

A marketer and writer who promotes B2B SaaS and loves tech!